First love – Lilly Dancyger
€ 32.95
Lilly Dancyger always thought of her closest friendships as great loves, complex and profound as any romance. When her beloved cousin was murdered just as both girls were entering adulthood, Dancyger’s devotion to the women in her life took on a new urgency—a desire to hold her friends close while she still could. In First Love, this urgency runs through a striking exploration of the bonds between women, from the intensity of adolescent best friendship and fluid sexuality to mothering and chosen family.
Waarom dit boek lezen?
Dit boek is een ontroerende en krachtige verkenning van vrouwelijke vriendschap. In vijftien essays onderzoekt ze de complexiteit, schoonheid en nuances van deze relaties. Mooi, doordacht en impactvol met een hoopvolle ondertoon, aanrader!